Internet Insider – Streamer Gets Swatted

Michael Pochron

More stories from Michael Pochron

A Final Farewell
May 24, 2017

(Photo credit via ABC15 Arizona.)

Recently, the extremely popular streamer Ice Poseidon was swatted. For those who do not know, swatting is when some person calls a SWAT team on a popular streamer to freak them and their family out. This is done by having the person call a police department nearby the streamer and tell them that the streamer is doing something absurd such as having a gun, hostage or a bomb. The people who call the swats only do it to get a reaction and to anger the streamer, as well as freaking out their family. Ice Poseidon is no stranger to swatting and actually has it happen to him all the time; however, this time it was on a plane. Apparently, the swatter called the plan and stated that Ice Poseidon had a bomb. The swatter knew what plane the streamer was on due to his in real life streams.

“Thanks for subs, appreciate it. (answers a question) Uh, I don’t know dude I’m on terminal 53, I don’t know what, I don’t know where I am, I’m just on 53 A. I’m not sure telling you guys is a good idea but what can you guys possibly do,” said Ice Poseidon.

Unfortunately for Ice, people can do a lot with that information and the police actually came onto the plane and took Ice and the cameraman away. Both individuals ended up getting questioned by the FBI afterwards. This ended up delaying the plane’s flight for multiple hours. Ice has been no stranger to being swatted and has constantly gotten the blame for it – he has been forced out of countless restaurants, hotels, neighborhoods, and now a plane for the actions of others. With this most recent incident, Twitch decided to ban Ice Poseidon from streaming on their website forever. This would have effectively ruined his career, luckily YouTube ended up taking the opportunity to hire this incredibly influential and lovable streamer. This is in hopes to have a  face of their streaming service that has been long since overshadowed by Twitch.
This is an incredibly smart move by both YouTube and Ice Poseidon. YouTube has gained a strong foothold in the streaming scene and Ice has been skyrocketing in popularity and is already at 100,000 subscribers in just two weeks! Also, steps have already been taken towards ending cyber crimes such as these. Ice was doing another in real life stream last week when he was stopped by two cops, they were radioed about Ice has a bomb on him. However, the police knew about swatting due to hearing about it on the plane incident on the news. It joys me to hear of the growing awareness of many streamers suffering and hope that these criminals can be put behind bars.