4-h Capital Days

Madison Kovach

More stories from Madison Kovach

(Photo Via Chris Becker)

The 2018 4-H Capital Days were held on March 10th through March 12th in Harrisburg, PA!

Greene County, along with many other counties in Pennsylvania traveled to Harrisburg with around 2-3 members from all kinds of clubs. This year, Greene County took along Jersey Ostrich and Emily Cooke. Ostrich belongs to the market swine club, market steer club, and county council. Cooke belongs to the rabbit club, market swine club, market steer club, county council, goat club, and beef breeding club. The girls were escorted by Greene County 4-H and FFA representative, Chris Becker.

The sole purpose of the Capital Days trip was to inform the 4-H members attending about the different branches and to interact with other people in different countries. The members were also taught the proper way to eat. The girls got the chance to tour the capitol, read the bill, they participated in parli pro, and were even able to eat brunch with Pam Snyder.

Ostrich said, “My favorite part of the whole trip had to be the great food and being able to tour the capital, I would defiantly recommenced it to other members because it is a great experience.”