2018 Officer Training

Madison Kovach

More stories from Madison Kovach

(Photo Via Pixabay under creative commons license)

On Tuesday April 24th, 2018, the 4-H held the annual officers training at the 4-H buildings on the Greene County Fair Grounds.

This event takes place once a year, every year. It is for the presidents, vice presidents, and secretaries from each and every club in the Greene County 4-H. But, it is not restricted for just officers! Anyone who is in a 4-H club and is interested in finding out more about a position or is looking into becoming one next year was also allowed to attend. Officers and any other guest will be informed on the many wonders of holding a position, play a few fun games to get to know each other, and enjoy some pizza and refreshments.

The officers that are holding a position for this year were required to attend this training and it will count as credits at the end of the 4-H year.