Importance of Knowing the Candidates
I have a high level of interest in candidates that are running for presidency. I first started my interest in tenth grade. I had to do a research project on a potential candidate that might be running in 2016. I realized that it is important to vote. If someone does not vote it is giving up their right that many people have fought to have in the past. The reason why I care about the candidates is because I worry about our countries future and who will be our next leader. Looking into the candidates and knowing their views can help you decide who you might vote for in the next presidential election. It also gives you a voice in the presidential race. I always listen for certain topics that they talk about to see who agrees with my views on that topic. The topics I am most interested in are about abortion and their view if they are pro-life or pro-choice. Money is very important to me and I don’t like to put it all in taxes. Another topic that is really important to me is their view on marijuana and how it should be used. War is a terrible thing but I like to know if they are the type of person that would send our men overseas in the drop of a hat. Or if they would try to keep them home as much as possible. I want the best candidate for president be the president of the United States.

Kayla Pendland is a senior and a first year Journalism student.
Kayla participates in Leo Club and Drama Club. She is a member of the cheer squad, chorus,...