This Upcoming Election
This upcoming election seemed to be more serious than most elections in the past. There is finally a woman running for president as well as several others who people are not too happy with. This election is very popular right now and I hear about it every day in some way.
Personally, I really do not care about the election for the future president. I honestly think it is affiliated with too much drama and cruel opinions. It really just seems like people are bashing on each other. The election should be important and taken on a professional level. We are talking about the person who will run our country. I feel as though this election may also be a popularity contest. Many people are way too concerned about Donald Trump winning the election because of who he is personally. In my opinion, this election is bringing on way too much drama and fighting than needed. Yes, there should be a debate on who the next president should be, but this election seemed to be a little more “out there” than usual. I see things and opinions everywhere throughout my day, whether it is posted on social media, on television or just two people simply having a conversation.
Although it is a very important deal for the United States, I am not too concerned about it. The past presidents have not been too great, I do not see how this one will be any different. It’s all just too much for my interest.

Kayla Ealy is a senior and a first year Journalism student.
Kayla is a member of the Foreign Language Club, the Leo Club, and the yearbook staff. She...