Most Interesting Presidential Candidates
The main presidential candidate I have interest in is Ben Carson. I really do not have interest in the election, and the only reason I have interest in Ben Carson is because he was a neurosurgeon before he ran for president. Ben Carson was the first person to separate Siamese twins conjoined at the head and have both the babies survive. I think it is quite fascinating that he has already done some pretty amazing things and he still wants to do more. I also think it is interesting that his salary will decrease when he becomes president, which means he is not in the race for money. A neurosurgeon makes an average of around 600,000 dollars a year, whereas the U.S, president only makes about 400,000 dollars. I would like to know Ben Carson’s true intentions because he is already financially set for life.
Donald Trump also has money, but he does not interest me as much as Ben Carson. His intentions seem less mysterious than Ben Carson’s. I do not believe Donald Trump has anything to offer this country so he does not fascinate me. Hillary Clinton is interesting because she would be our first female president, and her husband was once president. I believe Hillary Clinton has more to offer than Donald Trump, so she mildly interests me.

Adam Tharp is a freshman and a first year Journalism student.
Adam is member of student council.
Adam enjoys riding quads and dirt bikes, playing...