Seeing the World

Caroline DePhillips

More stories from Caroline DePhillips

My Time at J-M
May 26, 2017

(Photo Credit via

My family and I would always travel to someplace new in the winter. We have gone to Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, the Bahamas, Canada, Bermuda, and many other places. Because I always traveled when I was little, I would love to continue that. I hope to travel to different countries and islands as much as possible throughout my life, whether it be by a cruise or flying to that country or island and staying there for a while. South America, Europe, and Asia are the top three continents I would love to visit.

When I get the chance to visit South America later on in my life I would love to visit Argentina first. To be able to walk the streets in the country if Argentina would make my life. I would also love to visit Brazil. It would be amazing to visit the city of Rio De Janeiro. It seems like such a beautiful city.

There are so many countries I would love to visit in Europe. Some being Ireland, England, Germany, Italy, Greece, Scotland, and Serbia. My family is Irish. I would love to be able to go over the country my family came from and be able to see the land they lived on. My dads side of the family came from Serbia. I would love to go to all the countries that my family came from.

I think it would be pretty nice to visit Asia too. Visiting populated cities in China, India, Japan, and Israel. I love different cultural. To me, cultural differences are beautiful. Diversity is a wonderful thing. Different religions in countries, different foods, and different ways of life interest me more than anything.

I love the fact that every country is different from the others. No two countries are exactly the same. There is always some little difference between them. I cannot wait to visit many different countries throughout my life.