Societal Views on Social Media
As a society we are always looking for ways to better establish our community and strengthen our foundation. One of the many ways that we have been able to do that is with our ever growing technological endeavors. Accompanying those advances comes a flood of mixed emotions; fear being a major one of them. An interview of Gary Vaynerchuck squashes those feelings of fear and hesitation.
Vaynerchuck explains to the interviewer that the older generations and those who are quick to judge the uses of technology are in fact afraid, “We get scared of everything that we didn’t grow up with. It’s what human beings do.”
The interviewer responds in a condescending manner, “But I worry, what are we teaching our young people?” and Vaynerchuck shuts her down quite quickly by saying we aren’t teaching them anything.
Many people feel that ‘millennials’ are spending too much of their valuable time worrying about social media followings, when in fact these young people are forming their empires.
With any career one must take time to perfect their work, if one’s work is not up to par they have the chances of being demoted or fired. Today the ‘public figure’ stars who run the Instagram and YouTube accounts are treated in the same manner; this is their real, paying job.
When Vaynerchuck says that 14- year olds take, “5-7-10 minutes to take a selfie, THEN they post it, THEN if they don’t get enough likes in the first ten minutes they take it down and start over again,” he is right. For creators such as; Emily Suzan, Ray Diaz, King Bach, and Jodi Steel, this is their way of life; their career.
Pewdiepie, the most subscribed to creator on YouTube, has over 52,478,792 subscribers, and 14.5 billion views. Forbes has named Felix Kjellberg, Pewdiepie, as “the top-earning YouTube star on the planet after earning $12 million in the past year.”
So yes, we do spend too much time on social media; but it’s worth it.

Gwendolyn Stacy is a senior and third year Journalism student.
Gwendolyn served as the former president of French Club, and the Head Editor-and-Chief...