JM Blood Drive
On Monday, March 20, 2017 the Jefferson-Morgan chapter of National Honors Society will be hosting a blood drive. The event will be held from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. All those wishing to participate must receive a permission slip from Mrs. Huba in room 201, which must be returned by Friday, March 17. Along with the permission form, all participants must bring a valid form of Photo ID, such as their Driver’s License. Those without a valid Photo ID must see Mrs. Huba and work something out.
The American Red Cross does have specific guidelines, and regulations that must be followed before one is allowed to donate blood.
A few specific rules are listed on their webpage as;
- Be in good general health and feeling well
- Be at least 17-years-old
- Girls must be 5’3” or taller
- Boys must be 5’5” or taller
- All must weigh at least 110 lbs.
Some regard themselves as unable to donate because of a recent tattoo, the American Red Cross has a section on their webpage regarding that as well. They state that, one must wait twelve months after receiving the tattoo if that tattoo was applied in any of the following states: District of Columbia, Georgia, Idaho, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Hampshire, New York, Pennsylvania, Utah or Wyoming. This is due to the fact that these states do not regulate tattoo facilities, meaning the state does not have set standards that every tattoo shop must follow. The states mentioned previously do not require tattoo artists to change or use sterile needles and new ink, which in the eyes of the American Red Cross (and most others) is unacceptable, so just wait before donating.
Any additional questions should be directed to Mrs. Huba, Jamie Lawrence, or the American Red Cross website.

Gwendolyn Stacy is a senior and third year Journalism student.
Gwendolyn served as the former president of French Club, and the Head Editor-and-Chief...