Farewell J-M, Thanks for Having Me

If you had asked me my thoughts on graduating back in August, I would tell you that I couldn’t wait. Starting a new school as a senior was a little rough, but I think it all worked out in the end. I made a few acquaintances and a small group of friends, mostly underclassmen whom I will miss very much. I have dedicated roughly 4,000 hours of my life to school, and another 2,000 hours to studying for school. It seems like a lot, but I wouldn’t have traded it for anything in the world. I am going to miss this building, all four hallways.
Aside from students have also been acquainted with an amazing group of teachers and staff members, all of which have shaped me in one way or another. I want to thank Mrs. Kniha for giving me the confidence to express myself in class and for sharing a similar passion for fashion. I want to thank Ms. Caffrey for opening up a world of literature that I probably wouldn’t have explored on my own. I want to thank Mr. Lesko for recognising and helping to further my artistic abilities and showing me other creative outlets in life. I want to thank Mrs. Huba for allowing me to pursue my hobby of always correcting people and for being a friendly face in the hallways. I want to thank Mrs. Shay for all of the help she has given me throughout the school year, I know math is my worst subject. I also want to thank Mr. Orr for begin such a great principal and administrator, I know you will be a great superintendent as well. I want to give a special thanks to Pattie for being a friend and second mother to me, being an office aide, has been the highlight of my semester (this is true).
Because I did not attend all four-years of highschool here at J-M I want to give a few thanks to my teachers and friends at Waynesburg Central High School. I want to begin with Mr. Kuhns for helping me advance my realism skills and for allowing me to break into his classroom to work on my mosaic. I want to thank Mrs. Kuhns, we called you Kuhnzie-bear behind your back because you’re like a cuddly little teddy bear, but you could always makes us do whatever you wanted us to. Not only did you help me further my education with your resume and career unit, but you helped me shape my life. I want to thank Mrs. Morris for attempting to force me to make friends, and for playing Charlieissocoollike videos in class also for giving birth to my best friend Booty Kloone (Betty Kline). I want to thank Mrs. Hyland for being the best teacher in the world, you gave me the most important life lessons and helped me through many emotional breakdowns :). Together we created two aesthetically pleasing yearbooks and multiple issues of the Raider Review. I want to thank my friends, Betty Kline, Robert Black, Sidney Spence, and Evelyn White for remaining by my side through the transition from WCHS to J-M. I also want to thank everyone that I have been acquainted with along the way.

Gwendolyn Stacy is a senior and third year Journalism student.
Gwendolyn served as the former president of French Club, and the Head Editor-and-Chief...