Becoming A Senior
Wow – it feels so surreal to be saying goodbye to my junior year of high school and welcoming my senior year. I have always attended Jefferson-Morgan and it’s truly hard to believe that this time next year I will be saying my final goodbye to the school that gave me my best friends, handed me honors, broke me at times, showed me what I am passionate about, taught me how to be me, and gave me memories I will ALWAYS cherish.
It’s safe to say that Jefferson-Morgan has not always greeted me with open arms and flowers, but I am glad to say I have survived it all.. I am a SENIOR! I truly do not know how I really feel about being able to say those few words, but I know that I am so very proud of myself and how far I have came.
Let’s talk freshman year, the year I struggled not only in academics, but with my friends, my first relationship, and my family. Going into Freshman year I thought I knew me; a brave young girl who knew how to be herself in every way possible, but boy was it a slap in the face when I realized I knew nothing about myself. I thought I knew what I wanted in life, but I didn’t and I thought I knew what I was into, but I didn’t and I especially thought I knew who my friends were, but sadly I did not. Everything through my entire freshman year always felt so foggy and like I never knew what was going to hit me next. A few memories from my freshman year that I will never forget though would be Cole busting Nick’s head open in English, playing 8Ball with Zach every day in Science, the bonfires at Hunter’s, going on my first cruise, playing softball, library club, and becoming closer with my best friend Megan! If there is one thing I can take from my freshman year it is that no matter what people think about you, you just have to shine through and really be you. After all, don’t they always say freshman year is about finding yourself?
Sophomore year – my sophomore year was a little more giggles and smiles compared to my freshman year, thankfully. I found new friends, was picked to be on the Homecoming court, found my favorite person in the world (my boyfriend), got my first job, joined new clubs, went to more sporting games, dressed to my appeal rather than others, took my first honors classes and passed, found my love for art, was apart of my first musical, and most importantly I really put myself out there! My sophomore year never let me down and was always springing new adventurous things upon me that I never said no to, if I could go back and redo this year over and over again I would in a heart beat. That year I smiled the widest, laughed the hardest, and worked my heart out. If there was one thing I could take from my sophomore year it would be that you should always enjoy the little things in life and never take anything for granted. A few memories that I will never forget from my sophomore year is being on Homecoming court, prom 2018, being apart of my first musical, every single day in Honors American History, listening to Carlos crack jokes every day at lunch, getting my drivers permit, getting my first job, going on a cruise to Mexico, and becoming better friends with my other great friend, Jessie. (Definitely savor those small moments in which you are the happiest because they will go faster than they came)
Junior year – one of the worst years of my high school career, yet. My junior year was not all smiles and giggles like my sophomore year, sadly this year I began to struggle again finding my place through out the school. This year really threw every curve ball it could at me; friends turning on me, teachers turning on me, struggling in Government, and much more. Although, there were a lot of great things too: being picked to be on the Homecoming court once again, getting my license, starting girls cardio, winning first place at the Greene County Reading competition, traveling around as the Greene County Fair Queen, competing for the title of Pennsylvania State Fair Queen, winning Prom Queen 2019, getting my first car, and much more. Unlike my freshman and sophomore years, I do have to thank my junior year, for it showed me what I wanted to do in life (be an early childhood education teacher), taught me where I wanted to go to college (The University of South Carolina), and it showed me to always be me. Yes, I know I have said this over and over again but this time I mean it, my junior year hit me with everything possible, but what I didn’t know was that it was just prepping me for the hits I will take next year as I am applying to college, tackle my SATS’s, etc. So, I would like to thank my junior year with open arms and wish it a farewell to the sophomores becoming juniors. Please savor your junior year because after it starts to end your childhood will slowly begin to slip away and reality will begin to hit you.
Now, I guess it’s time to say goodbye to my freshman, sophomore, and junior years as I welcome the biggest year of my life – my senior year……#ClassOf2020.

Madison Kovach is a senior and a fourth year journalism student.
Kovach is a member of the school's Library Club, Drama Club, Art Club, Leo Club, and...