Pro-Player Spotlight: Anthony Castanzo

Anthony Castanzo is an offensive tackle for the Indianapolis Colts. He has been a keystone of the offensive line and has worked tremendously hard to protect whoever is behind him.

He was taken in the first round by the Colts in 2011 at pick number 22; however, he did not start out that way. He was just like most other players and had humble beginnings 

 He was born in Hawthorn Woods, Illinois,where his family owned and operated a Italian restaurant. He grew up with a loving family that took care of him and loved him. He was a tall, athletic boy who played multiple sports and was a force on the field. He was naturally athletic and often looked bigger and older than the kids around him.

He played in college at Boston College and was still a consistent force on the field and dominated the D-Line across from him. He was a 3 year starter until he decided to go out for the NFL Combine and he put up very big numbers for a lineman. He did 28 reps on the bench press and ran a 5.28 40 yard dash. 5.28 on the 40 may seem slow but you have to remember this is a 6 foot 7 inch 320 pound lineman going at close to 20 mph which would cause some real damage to the average person.

He was drafted a year before Andrew Luck, the franchise quarterback who walked out on the team in the last game of the 2019 preseason. His absence was noticeable, but the offensive line kept the team in the running. The two leaders on the line were to blame for them staying in the running Quenton Nelson and Anthony Costanzo.

Castanzo is currently considering retiring from the league which will hurt the team in many ways and leave a second string tackle who has never played an NFL snap to take his place.