A Piece of Pie

(Photo Credit via pixy.org)
With Thanksgiving coming up many people go to pies as the perfect desert. Pies are a go to desert when it comes to Thanksgiving because there are so many options when it comes to which flavor pie you are getting. Pies come in many flavors. Some including pecan pie, apple pie, pumpkin pie, cherry pie, and many more. Pies are a good choice when it comes to the holidays and to parties because they can be big or small for everyone to share.
Pumpkin pie is the most common pie during Thanksgiving time. The website The History behind Pumpkin Pie explains that early Americans from the Plymouth colony used pumpkins as desserts for their Thanksgiving feast. The Plymouth Colony was from southern New England. They made pumpkin pies without the crust. The first ever person to come up with the pumpkin pie idea was Francois Pierre la Varenne. Francois Pierre la Varenne was a famous chef. The recipe he had was called “Tourte of Pumpkin”. 1796 was when the first ever truly made pumpkin pie was made. Pumpkin pie was made how we know it today with the crust.
What is pie, really? Pie is a baked dessert. Made with dough and usually has a sweet filling in the middle, a pie is normally cooked in the oven to make a crunchy texture on the outside otherwise known as the crust. Pies can range in sizes. There can be big pies, small spies, or medium pies. Many pies are made for special events to take to as a treat because they can be shared with many guest and they do not have to be baked individually. Pies can be filled with all kinds of things. Most pies are filled with fruits. Pies are very common because anyone can go out and get fruits and dough and then make a delicious pie with it. Making a pie could be a fun activity to do with your family or friends during the holidays or anything. Pies can also be fun because they can be all shapes and sizes. Pies can be made into heart shaped or star shape, any shape you can think of.
During the summer when my family and I go see my grandma, she usually has us all make a pie. One year we went and all picked blackberries. It was a very fun time because everyone was happy just picking blackberries. We went home and my grandma made the crust and then we waiting for it to be done. The pie was very delicious. This year was the first summer I helped make the pie. We went and picked apples and then came home. We stared making the crust and that is a very long process. The crust is the hardest part in the making process. After everything is done it is all worth the long process of making pie because of the crunchiness and good filling on the inside.
A good recipe for a pumpkin pie is the McCormick recipe. First preheat your oven to 450. Get the frozen dough and place on a baking sheet. After place the dough into your pie shaped pan and form it out in a pie shape. Mix pumpkin, milk, eggs, pumpkin pie spice and vanilla until smooth. Then pour into the crust. Bake the pie for 15 minutes then place the oven to 350 and bake for another 40 minutes.

Maci Marion is a junior and a third year journalism student.
She participates in golf and serves as Editor-in-Chief for the Rocket Reporter. She is...