Seasons Ending

Brook Ann Maddich

More stories from Brook Ann Maddich

May 18, 2023

Thursday February,10,2023 the Jefferson-Morgan girls basketball season came to an end. The girls had a super rocky season ending with a losing streak of 0 and 22.

The season may not have been the best one ever but they have fought through all of the negativity and learned more and more at every practice and game. The girls have really improved from the beginning of the season and losing a few girls leaving them stuck with a range of 5 to 7 girls that never stopped them.

This year they took it as a season to learn a season to grow and develop to be more of a team. Looking back at their very first game they all took it as they had no-one to back them up, they took it as it was every man for themself. Although their last game ended horrifically they showed up stayed strong and worked together.

As time goes on everyone learns and improves shout out to the girls who stuck with the team through all circumstances.