I think upon graduating students need to learn to mature. Entering the real word with no one to hold your hand, I feel like maturity is a big part. Of course everyone is going to graduate if you do well in school, it doesn’t take much to be honest. Someone who puts in the minimum effort in school can make it to graduation. If you are not mature enough it will be pretty hard. I can say from experience that you need to be mature.
Out in the real world no one is going to guide you and make sure that you keep up with and don’t lose your belongings, and etc. You will have to be mature and learn to take responsibility and keep up with everyday task. If you don’t it wont be a walk in the park, it will be very difficult to function with everyday task without maturity. People won’t take you too serious either, and that is not good. Maturity is a big part of life whether you realize it or not.

Ayanna Davis is a sophomore and a first year Journalism student.
Ayanna Davis is a member of Little Zion Baptist Church. She runs track and plays basketball.