Favoritism in Schools?
It is a possibility that teachers favor certain students over others during class. This is not a known fact but more of a personal opinion of observations. School is a stereotype place where everyone is obsessed with fitting in and being on top. Something that could take away from this would be the ways a teacher could favor a student over another. The noticeable way a teacher could do this to a student ranges from anything such as giving them better opportunities or special treatment over others.
The act of a teacher favoring a student over everyone else is a problem in some schools. It can be a very obvious act which could make students feel down about themselves. Most teenagers are pressured and feel social anxiety in themselves. It could easily make students feel less superior to others by putting them at a lower rank. It could also trigger them to feel worthless and not liked by that teacher.
Eli Rafail was asked his opinions on the subject of teachers favoring students. “If a teacher favors a student over the other, they could be taking away credit they deserve and not teach them as well as the others,” said Rafail. Rafail also added that he had indeed witnessed this happen in classrooms during school.
Teachers at school should be someone a student feels comfortable with. Therefore, if a teacher makes obvious intentions to put one student above the other, school could feel like a less comfortable place. Teachers should treat every student the same and give them all the same opportunities.
Dalton Fowler was also asked about his views on the subject. “If this happened to me it would bother me because it takes away chances to stand out in class,” said Fowler. Fowler also said that he has never seen this happen for himself, but he did admit that it is definitely something that occurs.
When twenty students were asked to answer a poll on this topic, 95% said they agree that teachers do indeed favors certain students over others in class. Only 5% said they do not think this happens at all. Meaning, they have never witnessed nor experienced a teacher putting another student over top of them.
Students were also asked to answer a survey anonymously on how they personally think a teacher could favor a student. The answers were a variety of opinions. “A teacher could favor a student because they have better connections with that student or because they are more mature than other students”, one student said, While another student had a different point of view. “A student could be favored if they excell in sports, the teacher knows the parents personally or the student sucks up to the teacher”, said that student.
Teachers who favor certain students over others could possibly not realize that they are doing it. Although, a solution to solve this problem could be for teachers to try their best to treat all students the same way. All students should be given the same opportunities and treatment in and outside of class. There is no reason to treat someone like they are of any less worth than everyone else.

Kayla Ealy is a senior and a first year Journalism student.
Kayla is a member of the Foreign Language Club, the Leo Club, and the yearbook staff. She...