Realizing Renovations

Michael Pochron

More stories from Michael Pochron

A Final Farewell
May 24, 2017

Athletics is a very important aspect to some people, whether it just be a sport to them or a way of life, it’s very important a major thing to them and should be treated with care.

All of the sports we host at Jefferson-Morgan have talented athletes in them who really care about the sport and constantly strive to get better. However, if the equipment is either damaged, broken or not there to rise above and beyond others, how can they truly get better?

In a interview that was conducted with twenty different students, 90% of students were interviewed believe that the locker room is outdated and needs updated. One student especially stated, “The locker rooms are broken and the balls are flat and everything is either cracked or broken.”

A quick solution that isn’t just a bandage fix to the problem is to simply divert more funds to the gym and let the students and teachers agree on what to spend it on. The student council would meet with well respected and high up teachers such as Mr. Ore, Mr. Robinson, Mr. Sammels and Mrs. Huba to decide where and what the funds should be allocated to.

A statement that was seen a lot in the interviews was that we should update the gym because everything is old, falling apart  and generally run down and the school would be such a nicer place if the school could spend some money to not only help any gym or P.E. class but also the indoor sports.

In the poll, the approval rating among students for this upgrade was a outstanding ninety percent. However in the survey it had a whopping one hundred percent approval rating! The best thing about this is that you could see the specific problems and complaints that students had towards the gym.

Another problem the students specifically had was that “The locker room is all beat up and nasty.” As a student that has seen this problem first hand I have to agree the locker room is not a nice place and it certainly was not built with students in mind. I believe that a renovation of the locker rooms would either be next after the gym or right next to it.

To wrap up this whole problem would to simply allocate some funds to the gym to make it a better and a more friendly place for not only students or athletes but the whole school.