Vending Machine Availability

In school it gets boring to eat and drink the same thing every day; it would be great if students could get something different to eat or drink. Jefferson Morgan students were asked should vending machines be available throughout the school day. For the survey I will ask them why student should have availability to the vending machines and what are some items you would like in a vending machine. The interview questions would be based around how we can go about it and make it possible and how it will have a positive effect on students. Vending machines should be available to students and faculty at any time of the day if they want to buy beverages and food.
Right now students can only access vending machines before school starts or after school. Students don’t eat breakfast and they get hungry during the day and they cannot get anything to eat. It would help to have access to vending machines.
“I think it would be helpful to students who do not eat breakfast,” said Mrs. Kniha when asked if vending machines would benefit them as teachers. They also agree that it would be convenient for everyone in the school.
The two teachers that were interviewed think that it would be a positive action for our school to do. Mrs. Kniha is leaning toward having more healthy snacks in the vending machines. But, both of them don’t think that it will actually make a big impact on what students eat.
“Student could focus more in class,” said Kayla Sloan in the survey.
Most students had similar comments to why students should have access to vending machines any time. I asked 20 students on a poll if they think that students should vending machines be available at all times. 100% of the surveyed students said yes, they feel like there should be access to vending machines at any time. Lot of the students had different things that they would like to see varying from Gatorade and energy bars to pop tarts and snacks. 92% of surveyed students would just like snacks and chips. 25% of students would like to see more pop tarts and another three would like to see Gatorade. There is many different types of food that everyone wants to eat.
“Be responsible with the items coming out of the vending machines. Don’t trash the building,” said Ms.Caffrey. “The students should have access between classes and the snack process should not interrupt class time,” said Mrs. Kniha. These are the response that I got when I asked how students could earn the privilege to have vending machines at all times.
Those are great ways as students to show the principle and teachers that it would benefit our school as a whole. We should be responsible and throw away our trash and not be disruptive in the class. Looking at a bigger picture just like Mrs. Caffrey when she said in her final question, “Maybe the money could be used for a positive cause.” These are all ideas and a solution that could help us get the privilege of having vending machines available all the time.

Kayla Pendland is a senior and a first year Journalism student.
Kayla participates in Leo Club and Drama Club. She is a member of the cheer squad, chorus,...