The Best Holiday Memories
Christmas has always been a time of many memories for me, and many new ones are made each year. Christmas has it’s own smell and these smells bring back all kinds of memories. I can almost remember each and every Christmas, and I can even remember most of the presents I got. Every morning my sister, brother or I would wake up first and wake everyone else up around 4 in the morning. My dad would be ready for work and my mom would be awake and ready with a camera. We would all sit down and gather around the tree, and my mom would pass us each a present. We would not open it until we were told it was okay. We would all open our presents simultaneously, and no matter what we got we were all happy. I do not think I have ever actually seen a Christmas where my siblings and I argued or where were jealous of each other. Every Christmas has been memorable because everyone would get along and there were never any problems.
I can remember last year the best. My sister and I got a go-kart, but I drove it more than her. I had so much fun with it, and my sister and I would ride almost all day. I ended up wrecking and destroying it, but it was still one of the coolest Christmas gifts I ever got. I can not wait to make more Christmas memories with my family.

Adam Tharp is a freshman and a first year Journalism student.
Adam is member of student council.
Adam enjoys riding quads and dirt bikes, playing...