Favorite Fall Memories

Maddie Call

More stories from Maddie Call

Every year during fall I love to make memories that will last forever.

One of my favorite fall memories is when my family would carve pumpkins together. Every year my carves pumpkins and we all have fun doing it. Every time we carve pumpkins we make pumpkin seeds with the seeds we get out of the pumpkins. When we carve them someone always throws the inside of the pumpkin at someone and it usually starts a fight where we throw the insides of the pumpkin back and forth at each other. Once my sister, my best friend  Molly, and I were carving pumpkins and my sister threw the insides at me and we starting fighting with the insides. After that we all had to get showers because we had the insides all over us and our clothing.

Another one of my favorite fall memories is going trick or treating with my friends. My 7th grade year Molly Mylan and I dressed up as flappers and went trick or treating. It was fun and a great time to spend with her. My 8th grade year my friend Emily Kime and I went and she did cool effects on her face that looked amazing and I dressed up as bat woman.

Fall memories are some of my favorite memories to spend time with friends and family.