Remembering the Rules
Many people in today’s world think they have no time to be polite and have good manners. I say they are wrong. There is always time to throw out a little “thank you” when someone does something nice or an “excuse me” to get someone’s attention.
Many people complain about how no one has manners anymore, but they do not even make an attempt to be polite either. Some people honestly do not even realize they are being rude. If everyone would start throwing out proper greetings here and there, this world could be a happier place. Saying “good morning” or even just “hello” can make someone’s day. This simple rule of society is blatantly ignored, and many people do not even attempt to make a change. It is easy to forget the small things in life, but without the small things are there really an big things to look forward to? Everyone thinks the fact that they are busy justifies not having any courtesy, but it really does not.
I personally am in many situations where I will say “excuse me” or “hello” to someone in the hallway, and usually I get ignored. When this happens it is quite embarrassing, and tends to push me into wanting to not say stuff like that anymore. However, I still always do, it is just sad that no one can return the kindness. I thrive on happiness, and I truly believe politeness is a part of happiness. I grew up in a house where everyone would say “good morning” to each other, and “thank you” was used quite often. Being polite should be a habit and more socially accepted than being rude. Sadly, however, this is not so.
If society gets back into the habit of using the simple phrases “excuse me”, “thank you”, “hello”, “goodbye”, and any other polite phrase that suits the situation, then things may improve greatly in this world.

Adam Tharp is a freshman and a first year Journalism student.
Adam is member of student council.
Adam enjoys riding quads and dirt bikes, playing...