Safe Driving

Austin DeFrank

More stories from Austin DeFrank

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August 29, 2016
Safe Driving

Mr. Corbett is taking students on a trip to a mock car crash scene to teach students about the dangers of texting and driving along with other distractions while driving. There’s a lot of things people shouldn’t do while driving. Texting is one of the most popular driving distractions people are faced with. Texting and driving can cost some people their lives and Mr. Corbett is going to show the students who took drivers education. all about it on Wednesdays, April 27th. This will hopefully teach kids about how dangerous being distracted while driving really is.

Mr. Corbett is taking students who took drivers education on a trip to a mock car crash situation to show them the dangers of driving dangerously. Students will be shown how dangerous the roads really can be. Students will be taught about how dangerous it is to drive while texting, snapchatting, eating and drinking. Students will be shown what can happen when people do those things and it can be tragic. Not only will students be taught about the dangers but afterwards there will be a scare factor behind the students’ minds about what can possibly happen when they don’t pay attention to the roads. Afterwards students will be taken out to get food, although that’s a great things students will have to pay for themselves to eat. After students are taken to eat they will return to school for dismissal.

Students are going to learn everything they need to learn to stay safe while driving. There are a lot of things that will be taught on the trip. It’s going to be a great learning experience for the students that decide to go.