New Changes for a Better School

Michael Pochron

More stories from Michael Pochron

A Final Farewell
May 24, 2017

With all of the recent fantastic changes to the school such as more options at the cafeteria, new paint on the lockers and even more restrooms. However, one of them sticks out in particular, the front lobby. With the most recent changes to the front lobby has done a multitude of things right such as generating revenue for the school, making students happy and generally making the school a better place.


One of the major changes that the school have changed about the front lobby is the addition of chairs and tables. This not only solves one of last years biggest complains about the front lobby not having anywhere to sit but also give the school more of a friendly and good feel to it. One of the other fantastic changes to the front lobby was the addition of the Rocket Cafe Breakfast Bar. This new addition greatly benefits and helps out any student who goes to school through the front lobby. Now they do not have to run as fast as they can to the cafeteria and hope to be in time to get breakfast. Now they can  just simply walk up to the new cafe bar  and order from a wide selection of breakfast foods that even includes fresh coffee. Another big change the school district has done to improve the quality of life for students in the front lobby was replacing all the windows with brand new, state of the art windows. These new windows are a massive improvement to the last ones mainly due to the last ones being held in place by duct tape and sometimes be able to be pushed or moved preventing anyone from leaning on them. These new windows also help reduce and even cut out any glare from the sun due to having ultraviolet protection.
The most recent changes to the front lobby have not only made the school even friendlier looking, has improved the quality of life as a student and just all around making the school a better place for everyone. The students would like to thank our principals, Mr. Orr and Mr. Robinson for allowing this to happen but also any person who authorized these changes, helped operate or even build this; thank you for making our hopes a reality.