Perspective Matters
There are a lot of reasons why it is important to see a situation from someone else’s perspective. It can help with the outcome of the situation they are in.
Example someone is going through something tough like a death and they want help. If an individual can’t put themselves in their shoes they won’t be able to help them. They would have no what to say to them or how to comfort them. There are some situations when something happens to them and they act differently. If someone wants to help others the person who wants to help has to be able to understand others perspective and where they are coming from. If that is missing they may cause more problems for them.
Teenagers get into situations where they get punishment for something that they felt like it wasn’t a big deal. For example being out late driving and when they get home the parents yell at them and take their licenses for a week. If only they could see their perspective teens would see that they are just looking out for your safety and they don’t want you to get pulled over. They want their child to have responsibilities and know how to obey the law. When teenagers can see where they are coming from they learn their lesson, but if they don’t see it then they miss out on a lesson they could of learned.
Sometimes there is two people that get into an argument and they both think they are right. They both tell how they feel about the same subject and two things can happen after. One thing that can happen is that they don’t talk to each other ever again and they are very offended by each other. The second thing that can happen is that they both understand where the other one is coming from and walking away well rounded.
These are just some reasons why it is important to understand someone else’s perspective. Being able to understand where someone else is coming from and being able to learn a lesson. The last one is to understand the others perspective to help the other person. These are benefits from being able to see through someone’s else’s eyes.

Kayla Pendland is a senior and a first year Journalism student.
Kayla participates in Leo Club and Drama Club. She is a member of the cheer squad, chorus,...