Student Wellness Day

Tyler Woolen

More stories from Tyler Woolen

( Photo Credit via Makenzie Wright )

Last week on October 31st, 2018, all of the students in the middle and high school got to participate in Students Wellness Day.

The day started off with an apple walk which the students go outside and walk around the school a few times for exercise and they could stop for apples and water.

Once that was over, students went into the auditorium and listened to the speaker, Matt Scoletti. Scoletti talked about improving everyone’s life and how they can make everything better and think positive.

The students went to their activity which could be, Kick boxing, Ping Pong, Baking, etc. There were plenty of activities for the students to choose from.

When the students were done with their activities, almost everyone stayed downstairs and stopped by a bunch of vendors and listened to things that they had to say.

The students took a survey at the end of everything to see if they enjoyed this day or not. The students got to leave two hours early and the day was full of happiness and joy!