New courses
More stories from Silvia Metz
Usually when the school year starts, the first thing I look forward to are all my new classes. I am really only looking forward to four of my courses next year. Those courses are basic chemistry, Art, French and history class.
I am really excited to start basic chemistry and physics because I heard it is really fun, but it is also really difficult so I am excited and nervous
I am also looking forward to start my third year of art because well I love to be creative and be unique. Art is the only class that I can take my visions and make them into something cool.
Another course I am really looking forward to is my first year of French. I do not really think I would be interested in Spanish, so I felt like I want to be different so I decided French.
I am also looking forward to my history class next year because well I love history and I am really so tired of learning things I have known since elementary school.
I am looking forward to next year and the classes I am signed up for.