Scheduling Opportunities
As always, the Jefferson-Morgan School District, particularly in the high school, always looks to give students the best and most diverse opportunities that it possibly can. The schedule is ever-evolving and attempts to create the best learning situations. There are always returning classes that students always seem to benefit from, such as AP Psychology and Physics. However, new classes are added each year to help catch the interest of different students. One class that will be added next year will be Sports Literature. This class will encourage ones who are usually more sports oriented to read more by reading a selection of athletic type books. Electives are usually the classes that are added each year. Sports Literature is a good example of this, as well as Literature and Film, which was added last school year.
Core classes are very important to students for graduation. English classes are required every year, social sciences are also required and so are a certain amount of sciences. Physics and English are examples of required classes. They are the courses that students need to pass high school.
Advanced placement courses are a huge benefit at Jefferson-Morgan. They allow students to possibly gain a college credit while still in high school by passing the AP test. These classes are at a higher level than the normal classes offered. AP Psychology is one of the four courses offered at JM. It is one of the social sciences and it appears to be very interesting, as well as challenging.
The courses at Jefferson-Morgan are extremely beneficial and educational. Many students will be taking advantage of these courses being offered next year to better themselves and help them advance through high school.

Eli Rafail is a senior and a second year Journalism student.
Eli participates in sports and activities in school including football, baseball, band,...