Team Single Tradition


(Photo Credit via RedBubble)

Being on team single is pretty awesome. You don’t have to worry about buying flowers or candy for someone who (you say) you love. Here is our yearly Valentines Day tradition as part of team single.

Since there is nothing to do on Valentines Day, the day goes by like any other ordinary day of the year. There is no girl or boy to take to a nice dinner because you’re single. If you’re lucky, you’ll be taken to dinner with your parents as they gloat in front of you. (You know, because they have each other and you have no one.) You still feel excited to go out and get free dinner even though you have no one to share it with. After that, you go home, plop down, and do nothing again. It can be a bit lonely but also it’s fun. You have yourself and no one to worry about. That’s a plus if you like being by yourself.

On the other hand, if you don’t care about being single and enjoy it, you may let Valentines Day go by like any other day. But then again you may not like being on team single. It’s only you and yourself. No one to give you all the attention you want. Let’s say, this day is bittersweet, no pun intended with sweet. Either you’ll have a good day with your significant other, or you’ll spend yet another day on your own time. It all depends on how you take this holiday.