Valentine’s Day Nostalgia

Devin Villarreal

More stories from Devin Villarreal

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Everyone has different Valentine’s Day traditions and memories, but one memory stands out to me in my life today.

Back when I was in elementary school I had much excitement on the days before Valentine’s Day. There were decorations all around my house and in the school. We would do many Valentine’s Day activities as well during class. When we were told the day before Valentine’s Day that we had the opportunity to create our own Valentine’s Day boxes for candy, I was excited. Once I got home I went to work on my shoe box for Valentine’s Day. I wrapped it in red construction paper and put hearts, cupids, and all of the other Valentine’s Day symbols you can think of. The next day came quick, and it was time to pass out the candy. Everyone looked around at each others boxes and marveled in excitement when the teacher and other students started to pass around candy. Once we got all of our candy we wasted no time in eating the sweet treat. After the school day ended, I arrived home and talked all about my day of candy and excitement.

These memories are truly special to me, and sometimes I wish I could go back and experience them again. Valentine’s Day will always be a day of opportunity for memories and special moments in our lives.