Fishfry Fridays Ahead


(Photo Credit via Latestly)

Spring means the start of Lent. This is the time of year to only consume fish on Fridays if you are catholic.

Lent is a yearly occasion during epiphany season, where catholic people only eat fish on Friday.

Jesus went 40 days in the wilderness and fasted. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday. You can go to your church, get ashes, then you must fast. This is part of the rules for the tradition of lent. Then you must only eat fish on Friday. You may wonder, “Why so many fish fry events this time of the year?” This is why. Lent is the answer. Churches, the firehall, and other places do fish fry events for the catholic people.

“I look forward to Friday night fish fry,” said Joshua Woods.

If you want to know more about Catholicism, there are several articles on Google that will tell you all about the full history of lent. Or ask people at your local fish fry about it. Maybe you’ll start following this tradition.

“My favorite part of Lent is that I get to eat St. Marcellus’ fish every Friday,” said Ms. Braden.