JM Food Drive Battle
Each homeroom in high school and in middle school will be collecting canned goods for the JM Food Drive Battle. Homerooms will begin collecting starting on December 1st, and will continue collecting until December 21st.
The two homerooms (one from middle school, and one from high school) that collect the most canned goods for the food drive will be the winners of JM’s Food Drive Battle.
The items that are needed are canned and Ramen soup, juice pouches or boxes, mac and cheese, cereal cups or individual boxes of cereal, Pop Tarts, granola/Nutri-Grain/cereal bars, oatmeal packs or cups, cheddar crackers, raisins, individual microwave popcorn, and individual cookie packs.

Makayla McNett is a senior and a fourth year Journalism student.
She is captain of the Jefferson-Morgan Varsity Cheerleading Squad, President of the...