Library Club Members Complete Hamilton Project

Madison Kovach

More stories from Madison Kovach

(Photo Credit Via, Madison Kovach)

As Hamilton, an American musical by Lin-Manuel Miranda, visits Pittsburgh they brought a special deal with them! Schools, like JM, were given the opportunity to complete a project in order to secure Hamilton tickets! (Students do not have to win the competition to attend, only complete the project.)

The project can be completed in two different forms; a poem or students can create a video, the project can also be completed singly or as a group of up to 3 students. After all students have completed the project, the Library club will vote on the best one and will send it in to compete against other schools. Whoever is chosen will have the opportunity to have their project presented in front of everyone attending Hamilton!

Each school was sent student performance and study guide packets to help them complete the project and track their progress.

All the information must be sent in to the production crew/workers by January 16th! If you have any future questions you can contact school Librarian, Shelly Rogers via phone or email. You can also contact her via the schools website! Also if you have any questions about purchasing Hamilton tickets or about the project you can visit their website!

We wish the best of luck to each JM student competing for the spot to have their hard work shown off and hope they have the best of time during their show!