2019 Homecoming Court
The 2019 Homecoming Court held their annual parade and crowning on Friday, October 4th at Parker Field. The parade took place at 6 P.M. through town and concluded at Parker Field. Crowning took place during halftime of the Rocket football game and Jessie Wei was the 2019 Homecoming Queen.
The court consisted of senior Madison Kovach, senior Jessie Wei, senior Hannah Schaum, junior Savannah Kramer, junior Madelyn Reeves, sophomore Madison Wright, and freshman Catherine Diamond. The flower girl was Kyla Collins and the crown bearer was Gavin McIntire.
Special guest Kaitlin Wood, 2018 Homecoming Queen, came back to crown the new 2019 Homecoming Queen Jessie Wei.
Congratulations to everyone on the court and their escorts! “If the crown fits!”

Madison Kovach is a senior and a fourth year journalism student.
Kovach is a member of the school's Library Club, Drama Club, Art Club, Leo Club, and...