Winter Spirit Week
As Christmas approaches, so does Winter Spirit Week and Winter Activity Day!
Everyday students and staff are encouraged to participate to help spread the Christmas spirit around the middle and high school! Monday’s theme was Long Winter’s Nap – pajama day, students and staff stayed nice and snuggly while wearing their favorite wintertime sleeping gear! Tuesday’s theme was Toasty Tuesday – ugly sweater day, students and staff rummaged through their closet to find their perfect ugly holiday sweater! Wednesday’s theme is You Need Some Holiday Flare! – be the holiday, students and staff embraced the holiday spirit in their own creative way by incorporating their holiday decor into their outfit. Thursday’s theme is Don’t Be A Scrooge! – character day, students and staff dress liked their favorite winter fictional character (Grinch, Rudolph, Cindy Lou Who, Frosty, Suzie Snowflake). And Friday’s theme is Welcome to Polar North! – Santa’s workshop day, students and staff will get to dress as someone or something that you would find in Santa’s workshop ( Santa’s Elves, presents, bows, a cup of hot chocolate).
Each day a student or staff member will be awarded for their holiday spirit!

Madison Kovach is a senior and a fourth year journalism student.
Kovach is a member of the school's Library Club, Drama Club, Art Club, Leo Club, and...