Fighting Off the Flu
In a preemptive effort to fight off the spread of the Flu and possibly the Coronavrius, Mr. Headley (Facilities Director) has developed and implemented additional cleaning and disinfecting at the middle-high and elementary schools. This was in recommendation of the CDC, PA Dept. of Health and in consultation with Brad Langerman of Stertore Cleaning Supplies.
Starting on Monday, March 2nd, 2020, there will be an additional custodian at each building. They will be cleaning any areas that may not be cleaned/disinfected during a normal custodial shift. These will include door knobs, locker handles, handrails, etc. The custodians will be using a Neutral Quat Disinfectant Cleaner and will also be placing aerosol cans of disinfectant deodorant in each classroom and office for use. They will continue this practice bi weekly for the next three weeks. In addition, the day shift custodians will be disinfecting the field house.
Additionally to help fight off the slow spread of the Flu and Flu like viruses it is recommended that; students stay home when they are sick or are experiencing symptoms (stay home for at least 24 hours after a fever has returned to normal), cover coughs and sneezes with an elbow or tissue (not your hands), wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds and use hand sanitizes often, and clean frequently touched surfaces such as light switches, counter tops, cellphones, and more.
If you have any further questions please direct them to Mr. Robinson or Mr. Orr VIA Email.

Madison Kovach is a senior and a fourth year journalism student.
Kovach is a member of the school's Library Club, Drama Club, Art Club, Leo Club, and...