Graduation Date To Be Determined
As we move through these unknown times there are a few important dates being postponed, cancelled, or up in the air which includes the Jefferson-Morgan Class of 2020 Graduation Ceremony.
The commencement, which was scheduled for June 3rd, is to be determined. The District is intent to still hold a traditional ceremony for the Class of 2020, but the date of the ceremony may have to be changed. The district’s intentions are to end the 2o19-2020 school year on June 3rd and have graduation that same day, but they will not have any more information until mid-May. If it comes to the district having to change the date they would like to give families alternative graduation dates to prepare for. This dates are; Wednesday, June 24th, Wednesday, July 8th, Wednesday July 22nd, and Thursday, August 6th.
Make sure to mark your calendars for these alternative dates! If you have any more questions please email Mr. Robinson at !

Madison Kovach is a senior and a fourth year journalism student.
Kovach is a member of the school's Library Club, Drama Club, Art Club, Leo Club, and...