Gavin Ostrich Named Jefferson-Morgan Centennial Lions Club April Student of The Month
Jefferson-Morgan Centennial Lions Club has selected Gavin Ostrich as its student of the month for April.
A son of Danielle and Jeff Ostrich of Jefferson, Ostrich is a senior at Jefferson-Morgan High School where he maintains a 3.27 GPA.
Ostrich is a three year member of Upward Bound where he spends his summers getting college experience while receiving college credits and doing service work. Outside of school, Ostrich is a member of Greene County 4-H Market Lamb and Market Swine Club.
Ostrich serves his community through volunteer work with his 4-H Clubs such as roadside cleanup and mowing his town’s church yard.
Upon graduation, Ostrich plans to attend California University of Pennsylvania.

Madison Kovach is a senior and a fourth year journalism student.
Kovach is a member of the school's Library Club, Drama Club, Art Club, Leo Club, and...