Snow Day
Winter time is personally, my favorite time of year. I love the snow and wearing sweaters, leggings, and all my favorite little socks and hats. I think that everything just looks so much prettier when it is covered in snow. I love being able to stay home and spend time with my family and buying christmas gifts for my family and friends. Along with all of the snow and cold, comes snow days.
I love waking up in the winter and then realizing it’s a snow day and I get to go back to sleep. I remember last year there would be days where I would wake up and get completely ready before I realized that we did not have school. I know plenty of people are angered by the thought of having to make the day up, but I would rather make it up later then go on a day like that.
Last year I remember spending most of my snow days with my little brother, making our christmas lists and thinking of gifts for our family and friends. We would bake things and play games. We always liked to watch the shopping channels on our tv, even though we obviously never bought anything.
I also love spending those days watching movies sometimes with friends, and sometimes on my own. I remember going out with my brother and step sister and playing in the snow with them. Watching them have so much fun just makes me happy.

Makayla McNett is a senior and a fourth year Journalism student.
She is captain of the Jefferson-Morgan Varsity Cheerleading Squad, President of the...