Gavin Wood – Athlete Biography
Gavin Wood is a Freshman and a member of the Jefferson-Morgan Basketball Team.
Wood has played basketball for eight years. He is a point guard on his team, and he does not plan on taking a different position. He joined because his mom encouraged him too, and he now enjoys the sport very much.
Gavin said he enjoys playing “because it’s fun to get buckets.”
Gavin has prepared for this sport by practicing almost daily. Wood says the hardest part of playing basketball is remembering everything there is to do. Gavin also hopes to play a man-to-man defense this season.
Gavin looks up to “Kobe Bryant because he’s a great player.”
Wood looks forward to being part of the varsity team, and he plans on playing until he graduates high school. He has no plans to play in college. Wood also looks up to Coach Garrett.
“I’ve known him for a long time,”
Gavin Wood enjoys playing basketball, no matter how difficult it can be. He enjoys being part of his team and looks forward to spending the rest of his high school basketball career with them.

Adam Tharp is a freshman and a first year Journalism student.
Adam is member of student council.
Adam enjoys riding quads and dirt bikes, playing...