Aliyah Rhodes – Athlete Biography
Aliyah Rhodes is a senior and a member of the track team.
Rhodes has been throwing in track for two years. Her events are shot put, discus and javelin. She is not a part of any other sports for this school year. She wanted to start track because she was not doing anything else sports wise and she wanted to try something new.
What Rhodes likes about track is, “It’s rewarding even if the team doesn’t do well.” Having fun with the team at meets and practices is what she is looking forward to this season. What she personally receives out of being on the track team is that she gets to exercise and also have fun.
One thing that is difficult for her about track is the running. The challenging thing for her is making the qualifying distances.
When athletes are a part of a sport they do things to help them when they are not in season. Rhodes uses her arm and keeps it strong by throwing baseball with her brother. A challenge for her is making the qualifying distances. With a new season comes with new goals.
“I would like to qualify for discus,” said Rhodes. One of her favorite teams to face is Washington High. “Everyone there is so fun and nice,” Rhodes stated.
Good luck to Aliyah this track season. We hope to see Aliyah and the track team accomplish their goals and have a great season.

Kayla Pendland is a senior and a first year Journalism student.
Kayla participates in Leo Club and Drama Club. She is a member of the cheer squad, chorus,...