Nathan Bilonick – Athlete Biography
Nathan Bilonick is a junior and a member of the Jefferson-Morgan Wrestling Team.
This is Bilonick’s first year wrestling for the JM Rockets and he wrestles in the 145 LBS weight class. Bilonick plans on wrestling in to his senior year and looks up to Coleman Scott for help.
“I look up to Coleman Scott because he wrestled in the Olympics and won a bronze medal,” said Bilonick, “plus he was raised in Waynesburg. He came from a small town and went big.”
Bilonick is extremely confident in him self; he also gets help from his coaches and teammates.
“The team is one big family, in and out of the wrestling room,” said Bilonick. “The coaches are great because they’re always there if we need anything.”
There are always things you need to improve on, you can’t be perfect at everything, but there are a few things Bilonick is very skilled at.
“I’m always looking to improve everything, because you’re never perfect,” said Bilonick, “some of my skills include cradles and turks.”
Bilonick’s goals are to maintain his diet and come to back better person.

Madison Kovach is a senior and a fourth year journalism student.
Kovach is a member of the school's Library Club, Drama Club, Art Club, Leo Club, and...