High School Softball Hosts First Scrimmage
Jefferson-Morgan’s Softball Team hosted their first scrimmage on Wednesday, March 13 against Wash High.
Jefferson Morgan’s Softball Team has a total of 16 girls this year, so numbers are not an issue. For their first scrimmage, coach Rich Rush moved the girls around into different positions to see how everyone would play and react in a live game. What he was mostly focused on though, was how everyone hit off of a live pitch, so that he could determine his line up for the season. The game ended up going very well. Jasmine Demaske hit her first high school home run, and pitched a great game.
The Rockets ended up winning with a score of 14-3. “I am so excited for this season, and can’t wait to see how we compete. I love the group of girls I get to play with,” said team member Savanna Clark.

Madelyn Reeves is a sophomore and a first year Journalism student.
Reeves serves as a contributor for the Rocket Reporter. She has been a three sport...