Remind the Adults What it was Like to be a Kid
I think it is important for adults to be reminded of what it was like to be a kid. Our parents always get upset when we do something wrong or get in trouble, but what they need to understand is they were not perfect when they were growing up either. They still are not perfect and still make mistakes. For example just last night my mother was yelling at my brother for having a messy room. She had also said that her room was always clean when she was younger, but i recall my grandparents telling us that she never liked to clean when she was younger.
Another reason why adults should be reminded what it is like to be a kid is at our age things can be really stressful or dramatized. Right now girls are really sensitive to most things. Some of the thing that you would say to them could make them upset, whether you are joking or not.
` My last example is that sometimes when I have to call my mom to tell her I forgot something, she just goes crazy, telling me how irresponsible I am, and that I have to learn you grow up. I get that it was my fault I should have remembered to bring it, but like i said before we all make mistakes no matter how old you are. Parents or adults should be reminded of this because at one point they were in our positions.

Madelyn Van Divner is a freshman and a first year Journalism student.
She participates in volleyball and softball.
Her hobbies include cosmetology,...