Christmas Tree- Real or artificial?

Often a topic of discussion during the holidays is whether the tree in your home is real or artificial. Is one better to have than the other? Does having a fake tree take away some Christmas tradition? Is going to pick out a tree become too inconvenient for some? These are all the questions that come about when deciding to choose a real or artificial tree. The answer is truly, it is whatever kind of tree you prefer, there are benefits to both.

In a household with younger children, you may often see a real Christmas tree rather than an artificial. Children often enjoy going to pick out a tree, and sometimes get upset over the fake trees! When you’re younger it seems these things matter more. As we grow up we just want whatever is easiest. Of course, some families enjoy the tradition of going to pick out a tree together and continue it no matter how old their children get.

Often, artificial trees are chosen due to their simplicity. The exact size tree needed is purchased, set up, decorated and then when the holidays are over it easily stored away for next year. What could be easier? As a plus side for artificial trees, there are fewer cleanups of pine needles!

When it comes to choosing what kind of tree is right for your household, it is really whatever is preferred. There is no right or wrong in choosing a real or artificial tree. As long as the tree serves it purpose of bringing Christmas spirit.