Midterm Projects

Midterm projects are usually better than having a midterm test over what you learned the first half of the year. Normally around midterm time students will start to panic, stress, and stay up long hours of the night hoping they land a good grade on their midterm test that sneaks up on them quickly. As a student when we hear the word “test” it is usually consist long hours of study but there is always that one special teacher who will assign a project over the course of the first half of the year. Projects usually seem to have the better take on easing a student’s mind set about a midterm overall and seem to do better on a project. Not all students are the best takers but are more creative in projects. (Depending on the class they are taking will determine the type of project the students are assigned.) With a project it has been said that students do better than a project than sitting down and taking a test. Overall you can pretty much make a project out of every subject including math but that means being creative in the process. No students like to fail their midterm because they might not be the best test taker or simply overwhelmed. Projects always seem to be the better choice for a midterm and many students would agree.