The Best Way to Watch a Movie

As time continues to go on and we advance in technology use, the form of movie watching seems to happen more at home with the help of red box, Netflix, Hulu plus, and movie shows. Now a days you can enjoy a good movie at the comfort of your own home because everything is starting to be programed into your television, in red box or something created like Netflix that’s all about movies. If you are looking for a good way to enjoy a family movie without spending a ton of money red box is the way to go.

“I think red box would be more convenient to watch a movie with your family at home then all traveling to a theater. There is nothing wrong with going out to watch a movie but with red box you save a bunch of money and can but your own movie snacks at your local store,” Kamau Wilson

A Red Box can be found at  local stores such as Giant Eagle, Wal-Mart, Walgreens, or any other store. Theaters cost about eight to ten dollars a person rather than going to a rent a movie for a $1.27 a day. You save a lot of money over all including if you were to buy your own movie snacks for home. Also the good thing about red box is you can get your money back if the movie you rented was not working or scratched. While at a theater, Netflix or anything you pay and that is it, there is no getting your money back.

“I would suggest a theater if it you and a partner of yours that is going out on a date and decide to go to the movies. Even if you are a newlywed and out on a honey moon to go see movie together alone. It will not be as expensive as taking a family or whole bunch of people but would be perfectly okay if that is what they prefer. But red box is a great way to enjoy movies for not that much,” Kamau Wilson

All in all no matter what you prefer which way to enjoy a movie; everyone has their own preferences on where they would like to watch a movie. Whether it maybe with a group of friends, family, husband, wife, or neighbors to gather together and have movie time there is something out there for everyone to enjoy. One day dvd’s will no longer exists or be made  but will be better ways out there to enjoy your show.