Is A Semester Change Positive or Negative?
As the school year rolls on, students change classes during what is known as a semester change or the second half of the year. Students get new classes as well as new classmates. Teachers are very excited to see new faces all the time and a new semester brings them even more joy. A new semester can be very difficult for students, such as freshmen who now have new classes that they are not use to. There are a lot of positives and negatives to class changes and semester changes. One positive is that if students did not like the first semester class, they can get new a class by rescheduling and taking to the guidance counselor. The guidance counselor’s jobs is to help students schedule and talk to students about future plans. On the other side, students might not always get that perfect class to their liking. It is tough when a class is filled and someone wants to get into the class. A semester change can be very stressful. Stress is a student’s weakness; this is why students change their schedules in order to deal with the stress. Teachers help recognize a student’s weaknesses by the way a student may behave or how they deal with work, and how they cooperate with others in their new classes. Overall semester changes can be viewed as being a positive thing or a negative thing. In some student’s minds a semester change can bring new ideas and new opportunities.

Michael Metz is a senior and is a second year Journalism student.
Michael Metz is a participant in football and track
Michael Metz loves playing...