Sports Students Should Participate In
The Jefferson Morgan School District offers many sports to every student who is willing to try out for them. Spring is arriving in a few days, which means outside sports are arriving as well. Sports such as track and field, softball, and baseball are the sports that are in season as of right now.
“Track is definitely a friendly sport we invite anyone to come out and try it,” said Aaron Mylan, who has shown tremendous leadership in the running events and has overall become a team leader. Leadership is a big deal in why students want to try out sports; they want to be the ones who set examples for the future of the sport they participate in.
Anyone can do a sport, whether you are not fit for it or you are. Sports have definitely taken a big impact on students’ lives, and help students have a stress reliever. Sports keep students out of trouble, as they are one reason why students try their best in school.
Sports allow students to show their athletic side to them. They teach great morals of becoming a better person. “Track and field would definitely be a sport I would try out,” said Tristan Wright. Sports have definitely shown this student how sports can be great motivators and motivate anyone to try out a sport.
Overall, sports are a big part of students lives. Every student should do a sport due to the friendly acceptance that they provide, and how other students motivate and inspire them to try them. Every sport is a different challenge but anyone can overcome these challenges due to practice and inspiration from other students.

Michael Metz is a senior and is a second year Journalism student.
Michael Metz is a participant in football and track
Michael Metz loves playing...