It is very important to be able to see something from another person’s point of view because you never know how they are feeling.
It is important to see something from another person’s point of view because you never know how it would make them feel. Say you and your team were at a softball game and someone from the team had just missed a pop-fly in the outfield. You and the team get really upset and start yelling at the kid. Telling him how that catch could have won us the game, and now we are going to lose it. Just imagine if you were in that same exact situation and your team was yelling at you, They are telling you that you just lost them the game. This would probably make you feel terrible. Another example is what if your friend is telling you about what she got on her test, and it wasn’t too good of a grade. You got a better grade than her, and decide to rub it in her face and make fun of her. She feel really bad about herself and thinks you are not a good friend. Say you were the one who got a bad grade, and your friend was making fun of you. You would probably think is is not a very good friend.
You should always make sure you think about what you are going to say to someone before you say it, because you never know how it is going to affect them. You have to be able to see things from a different point of view because you may say something hurtful.

Madelyn Van Divner is a freshman and a first year Journalism student.
She participates in volleyball and softball.
Her hobbies include cosmetology,...