Perspective Matters
Seeing something from someone else’s point of view is important because they might think differently than the other. The subject they are thinking of might be different than someone’s.
Knowing of someone else’s point of view is very important. Someone might think differently. For example, if someone’s friend passed away and they were not too close to a certain student, the student would not feel as much pain as the other person who lost them. The person who lost their friend would feel a lot of pain while the other student would feel less pain.
Another example would be if someone was looking at a motocross track and the first rider tried to a table top and someone was watching. One person might say that the rider was doing a whip. But the rider might say that he did a table top. There would be two different perspectives.

Tyler Woolen is a senior and a fourth year Journalism student.
She participates in Track and Field and is also a member of Leo Club and the SAAD Club.